4 Things to Include in Your Agenda for HOA Meetings in Melville, NY

4 Things to Include in Your Agenda for HOA Meetings in Melville, NY

With over 84% of homes in Melville, N.Y., being owned rather than rented, it is more likely than not to be part of a homeowner's association.

Living in an HOA community is just the start, you can also join the board to make major decisions. If you are a member or thinking of becoming one then you should know how a meeting is run.

Start with these 4 agenda items that all HOA meetings need to have.

1. Taking Role Call

Once you call the HOA board meeting to order, you should begin by announcing who is present. This allows the secretary to make a note of the attendees, which is helpful for future reference and for knowing who is speaking throughout the meeting.

This is also a good time to introduce new members and break the ice with some light conversation before getting to business.

2. Recapping Previous Meeting Minutes

HOA boards change all the time as new people move in and out of the community. Therefore, it is good practice to review the latest meeting's notes.

Not only does this help homeowner's association members who aren't up-to-date, but it also refreshes everyone else's memory.

Going through the minutes will also showcase the HOA's progress since the last time the board members met. Meetings usually only occur every month or quarter and consist of volunteers, so pending items need to be addressed continuously to complete tasks on time.

3. Having an Open Forum

With an average property value of $650,300, Melville is filled with luxury communities. This means that expectations are high and having a say in HOA community policy is mandatory.

To ensure that everyone is happy and that community consensus is achieved, allow members to speak freely during an open forum session. These sessions will bring up concerns and important suggestions as well as bring fresh perspectives on issues that need resolving.

You can also hold a community forum occasionally so that all residents can come forward and ask the board to take action on a subject matter.

4. Voting on New Policies

Once a member introduces an idea and it gets a second and third motion, the next step is to have a vote. The board will either vote anonymously or out loud to display whether they support or don't support the implementation of new policies.

Some policies and decisions may affect the operations of the HOA. For example, you may decide to use a HOA community association management service. This service can help implement new policies and automate procedures like self-service maintenance requests or help with financial budgeting and bookkeeping.

HOA Meetings Are Part of Management Success

When you are an HOA member, you have a personal interest in making your community as appealing as possible because you are also a resident. To make this happen, HOA meetings need to be proactive by knowing what board members can and can't handle.

Using a community association management service like PMI Lighthouse ensures that your community thrives by adopting some of the board's tasks.

Get started by contacting a representative to find out how we can make your job easier.
